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 Rules for Role Play

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Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-12-09
Age : 31
Location : Beyond the Unknown

Rules for Role Play Empty
PostSubject: Rules for Role Play   Rules for Role Play EmptyMon Dec 12, 2011 2:06 pm

Basic rule number one: first you must use symbols such as the ones as follows @, #, $, %, ^, &, * and any other symbol. Symbols are put around your actions, both in front of, and at the very end of each move. Symbols do not always need to be used, however, so long as it can be easily distinguished as to what the action is and what it is not. Also, never ever use the words that would describe yourself in a first person manner such as follows I, Me, My, You, Your, etc. You must refer to yourself in a third person manner using For Him, Her, His, Hers etc. You must also mention the character name of whoever you‘re identified.

There are essential details that are needed when RPing. The essential details to be included when RPing are: Distance, Direction, Aim, Speed, Intensity of Attack, Scenery, Appearance, and anything thereof. If you could not follow up on these elements or failed to do so, someone could fill in the needed details and turn your own attack against you. For instance, if a person was to use a move as follows *(name of persons character) ran towards that of his opponent, drawing a sword, and slashing at them.* what’s missing from this are the details of speed, distance, direction, intensity of attack, aim, and even scenery. The person responding to such a move could fill in such details as they see fit, though within reason. A possibility could be as follows. *the being known as (character name) looked upon that of (character name of opponent), watching (character name of opponent) as he/she began to run in the direction of (character name) at a speed of 2 meters per second. As (character name) watched that of (opponents character name) run towards them at 2 meters per second, he saw, too, the being draw forth the sword they wore and making a slash with the sword, the slash being directly at (character name). though the slash was directly at (character name), due to the off timing, the slash fell short, and thus missed what the intended mark seemed to be, the sword passing 2 feet in front of (character name).* notice how speed was filled in, and how the details that were lef out were added in a way to be favorable to the person replying. Since it was not directly stated or implied appropriately, there was no control exerted over those aspects originally.

For Speed, you can either describe how fast you're going, simply by saying relative to the opponent's speed, yours is fast enough to accomplish a certain task. The example is as follows *As opponents character name) swung his sword downwards towards that of (character name) at 25 mph, (character name) would bring his own sword to lie in the path of the oncoming sword at a speed great enough so as to place it before the oncoming sword in a manor so as to cause them to collide and stop the oncoming sword in its path.* or you can just say how fast you're going in terms of speed such as 25mph, 60 mph. feet per second, feet per minute, miles per second, meters per second, etc.

For your weapon of choice, you must learn to detail its material, size, and appearance. If you cannot do that, your opponent can also use your own weapon against you within reason. Whatever details that are given must be followed by the other person. An example would be as follows *(character name) Thrusts his blade at that of the gut of (opponent character name) in such a way that the blade tip would reach it‘s intended mark within half of a second* this could be replied to in the manor that follows *(character name) Watches that of (opponent character name) thrust his blade at the gut of (character name). (character name) continued to watch as the oncoming blade reached his gut, stopping right where the tip made the slightest contact, the blade being too short to make any form of penetration to any degree.* Since it was never said what the blade was made of, or how it looked and the such, that could have been filled in, and so I filled in the element of appearance to a limited degree, controlling it’s length. This is, of course, assuming that those details were also left out earlier on when it was drawn or any other time it was mentioned.

Make sure that when read out loud, it makes sense and doesn’t sound stupid. Do not type the way you talk and do not use any form of slang. It must be typed as if a writer might type a professional essay of such, otherwise there will be a load of detail that makes no sense, because it is not being presented in a comprehensive format. Say you had an office job, and you needed to present a business project to your boss to get a huge promotion and your idea was great, but your presentation was so bad that it sounded like gibberish. How outstanding would that make you look? Not so good at all. so proper presentation is also very important. This means proper grammar, correct use of literary devices if they are used at all, etc.

The next thing is godmod. no matter what ALL RPers should know about this. Godmod is when you create an impossible attack of some sort, or just use a move similar to the following *dodge* Godmodding is also when a character does something outside his range of ability. godmodding is also when the character is unable to be killed or hurt. Something can always be extremely strong, however if said it can never break, than it's godmod and can be voided. Godmodding is also when you change the status of another person's character without their permission, or in a way that changes their status in a way that could potentially be avoided.

When you godmod it counts as an automatic loss in most all cases. They may also take all godmods and simply disregard them, continuing the fight as if those things never happened, but that is almost never the case. Someone who godmods automatically loses unless there is an agreement between the two people.Godmod attacks are attacks that are stated in a way that shows that the attack made direct contact without the opponent replying, saying the attack is unavoidable, or anything else along such parameters. Godmod evasions are just evasions which clearly have no backup or any detail showing that you evaded shown as follows *Dodges*, and anything in it’s likeness with nothing showing how it was done, and how doing it causes the evasion to work.

Another rule is the one about bunnying, which is when someone attacks multiple times in a single move. For example throwing a punch, and then after you throw the punch, you do something else in the same move separate from the initial move. that is two attacks that are not joined to form a combo of some form, but rather 2 completely separate ones. this is bunnying. It is a rule that not everyone knows about, and is broken very frequently by new RPers. Even some of the more advanced RPers who can type a lot, and be well detailed do not know of this rule at times, though most do or at least know that it can not be done. There are others, but most of them fall under the godmod rule and do not need to be listed. This one would also fall under the god mod rule, but since it has it’s own name, was listed separately. (That's all the rules for now, until we've come up any others.)
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